Monday, February 17, 2014


I don't need a boy in a shining armor. I want a man who can fight side by side with me, as a warrior fighting with another warrior in this battle to conquer all the trials and tribulations that this life has to offer. I need a man who can stand alone, but chooses to fight alongside me because he wants to. I wouldn't mind seeing a lot of battle scars and I wouldn't mind seeing only a few. What matters most to me is how he smiles and stands up every time he falls down to fight again. I would probably find that very attractive- though a pinch of vulnerability wouldn't hurt either.  A man whose principles I can understand. A man of courage, humility and honor who takes responsibility for his actions like the honorable man he is.  

Time for school.

I turned on the lights and got up to get ready. They say that I am a man in a woman's body. I don't really care what they think. I wore my shorts, I wore my boots, I wore my tank top and braided my hair like a crown.  I grabbed my backpack and hurried off outside.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The school bell just rang and I barely made it in time. The professor in our sea 30 subject was preparing a film showing for our class. Shuffling my cards in boredom, I turned to Dan to ask him for a piece of paper. I doodled our lecture so that I could remember it better. After class, I ate with Dan and Louis in the nearby Cafeteria called Casa's.

I went to our group's hut to spend the the afternoon. There I met with Sherry and Paulito. We went to the mall to get some groceries for our Anime Organization's fundraising event.

Paulito you fag! Sherry yelled.

Paulito likes her very much and I like how these two seem to deny their emotions every time we are together. Paulito likes to hold my hand every time Sherry is there and Sherry tries to hide her jealousy every time. Such cute. Much denial.


I have been cheated on by my ex-boyfriend a month ago. We have been together for three years.  Since then, I closed myself off to a lot of guys like a woman chained to a tower she built herself in. My name is Anemone. I am a college student and I belong to an organization called Association of Hobbyists and Anime Enthusiasts ( AHAE). I am one of the co-founders of a group within the organization called Fortune Nooks and I am a certified divination master.

Now. Lets get on with my story shall we? 

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